Sound judgement for VP candidate. Way to go republicants for not vetting your VP pick. Troopergate not babygate? Tsk, tsk.
There is a lot of smoke here but what is causing it is not clear....yet.
The issues that are troubling and need to be addressed by Gov. Palin:
* Travelling to Dallas at 36 weeks in the first place
* Not going directly to a Dallas hospital once her water broke which would be standard procedure per a number of posts from doctors and newspaper articles
* Flying home 10-12 hours with fluid leaking risking infection and delivery in transit
* Not telling the Airline
* Bypassing the premier area hospital - Providence
o 15 minutes from the Anchorage airport (vs. over an hour to your own w/ no NICU)
o With a NICU to handle a 36 week preemie w/ the double risk of Downs Syndrome baby
o That your OB/GYN was on the staff of
* Dr. Johnson, a family practitioner, is an expert in child and adult sexual abuse,
o What does this mean if anything to the situation?
* Baby delivered in the local hospital by this "expert" even though it was supposedly 4 weeks premature and had Downs Syndrome
* Returning to work after 3 days off after this ordeal
* Running for VP with a new special needs baby
Sarah Palin's baby bump? Not so much.
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