Sunday, September 07, 2008

Can't wait for 2042

You think apartied was bad? These cocksuckers again goin' out like that....
SCHIEFFER: I want to ask you about the composition of the…of the convention. There were 36 African American delegates out of 2300 plus delegates there. How can you survive as a party if you become just the party of white people?

McCAIN: We can’t. We can’t. I saw a bit of information the other day that by, I forgot, I think…don’t hold me to it, 2042 or something like that, white Americans will be in the minority in the population of this country. We can’t. We’ve got to reach out; we gotta do a better job. We have to have the Hispanic as well as the African American voters. I’ve traveled all over this country. I’ve been to places where there were literally no Republican votes. I have to convince them I’ll be the president of everybody. And the Republican party has a job to do. And frankly, it’s a job that also spills over into other issues. You’ve seen the generic ballot difference that we have…[..]

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