Monday, September 01, 2008

Oreo Michael Steele still irrellevant.

As I was trying to get from one end of Denver’s airport to this past Friday after United Airlines screwed up my flight completely, I literally bumped into Michael Steele with coffee in my hand walking to the gate. The news of the Palin VP pick was just announced on TV and I asked him if he was voting for Obama now. He said, “No way.” I yelled that McCain just lost the experience argument that he’s been trying to use on Obama.

He picked up his walking pace as I continued.

“She’s got plenty of experience,” he said.

“And it was a move to try and win over some fictitious Hillary voters and appease the religious right, but one problem was that nobody knows who she is.”

“Everyone knows her,” he said.

“Really? In what way?” I asked. “Do you even know who she is?”

He then ran away…

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