Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Racist piece of shit Saxby Shameless (pedophile) Georgia should have dropped three limbs in Vietnam

Fucking ChickenHawk. Die soon, bitch. Watch the perv grope here...

Fucking do nothing, white racist ChickenHawk. What. A. Fucking (incestuous pedophile). Loser. From Wiki...

In the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, Chambliss received five student deferments while attending the University of Georgia and the University of Tennessee College of Law and was also given a medical deferment (1-Y) for bad knees due to a football injury.[2]

We pegged him for a ChickenHawk before we confirmed it. So it seems while aWol was getting stoned on Coke and Jack, Saxby Shameless was fucking children, by evidence provided here.

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