Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fuck you George. Fuck your AWOL cowards' incompetent criminal soul..

Greater unemployment.
Surplus Destroyed.
Greatest public debt to date.
Financial collapse.
Dirtier air.
Dirtier water.
You outed a CIA agent, working on WMD reduction! You fucking fool.
"Lost" and destroyed emails covering up your crimes.
You destroyed the Justicce Department.
You created more uninsured.
You tortured.
You killed innocents.
You created a "Shadow" government.
You made US kids dumber.
You made the health industry even less effective but more costly.
The US is less safe.
You created Kabuki Security Theater of the TSA.
You lost a whole fucking CITY.
You invaded a sovereign country that had nothing to do with 911, and lied about it.
Then, you destroyed the county, killed or displaced most of its citizens.
You gave your corrupt obscene war profiteer buddies free blood money.
Then you lost the war.
Then lost another war.

You fucked up every, single thing you touched. You are an incompetent war criminal. You are a failure in every way. Fuck you and go to hell. You deserve to rot in a cold renditioned cell for the rest of your life. While being tortured. You swore to support and defend the constitution, (not to protect 'Mericans) then systematiclly violated the constitution.

You see those millions of people around you? See them? They hate you. As we all do.

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