Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Big Deal About Hersh's 'Assassinations' Claim.

Jeff Stein over at CQ Politics is baffled as to why anyone could care about Darth Cheney's assassination wing. Let's begin by ignoring the fact that political assassinations have been illegal since 1976.

Next, let's accept that ChimpCo corrupted the Department of Justice. They perverted it for political reasons. (Just ask Don Siegeleman or Ted Stevens.) The problem with Cheney's assassination team becomes corrupted by extension. How is that you say? How could that possibly be?

Guess who picks the targets?

"It's military, it's intelligence, it's law enforcement, the Justice Department," said Chimpy's homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, Frances Fragos Townsend. "There's a lawyers committee...that looks at these sorts of issues. So it's a very rigorous interagency (process) across the government."

Lastly, for Larry Johnson from No Quarter who wrote:

I know this much for sure–Dick Cheney did not control any military unit and did not have his own band of killers at his beck and call. I am a stalwart opponent of Dick Cheney and the abuses he promoted and encouraged, but on this count he is being unfairly accused. -Larry Johnson

How in the FUCK, do you know that? The truth is, you just don't, you fucking penis. That's like saying "everyone knew Saddam had weapons of mass destruction." Why is it so hard for you to imagine that a fascist coward like Cheney liked to be sadistic? That he craved power and ultimately misused it in countless criminal ways?

Now, listen up Jeff, we are getting to the part as to why this is a Big Deal: It's distinctly possible that the Lush Rimbaughs of the world appoint another asshole to the Vice Presidents office that is even more incompetent and more corrupt than Darth Cheney.

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