Sunday, May 10, 2009

Assasination jokes from the other side...

Jill from "Brilliant at Breakfast" writes
I have to admit, though, that my jaw dropped when she talked about Nancy Pelosi telling Obama and Biden to go out together for a burger. You see, if we're going to get up in arms about assassination talk from the other side which they then dismiss as a joke, it's no better coming from our side. This is an exemption from the "It's OK to knock your own team" rule, especially when we have wingnuts coming out of the woodwork arming themselves to the teeth and talking about mass marches on Washington to "take the government back."

No, No, NO!! The difference is that Wanda brings The Funny. Funny humor based on a kernal of truth. The kernal of truth in Wanda's Sean Hannity joke is that he's a pussy (and a right-wing domestic terrorist.) The kernal of truth in Wanda's Lush Rimbaugh joke is that he's a (pussy) and a right-wing dommestic terrorist.
The kernal of truth in the non-funny joke made by Golf Analyst David Feherty is that he is a pussy and a right-wing domestic terrorist.

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