Thursday, May 28, 2009

NPR's coverage of Public Health Care on Tuesday May 28, 2009

NPR just had an industry hack on saying how horrible public option heath care is. Then, in the next breath says it will destroy private health care.
Now, why in gods name, didn't NPR follow up with the obvious? If public option is so bad, why would it be so popular as to destroy private health care? Certainly if private health care gave better service, the free market would allow them to charge a premium right?
THEN, the stenographer at NPR could come back with a fact or two. Namely, that private health insures would fail because they provide criminally negligent care, and that industrial nations (hell all nations!) with public health care is fantastic. Cheap, universal timely and much, much, MUCH better than what is in the US right now. Why is it a crime to care more about all Americans than american corporations? Because healthcare in America right now is a crime.

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