Friday, June 12, 2009

Democrats do not understand basic math and Schwarzenegger is not giving in.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock says the showdown is on in California between the Democrat controlled legislature and governor Schwarzenegger. The battle shapes up like this: Democrats do not understand basic math and Schwarzenegger is not giving in.
Wrong, wrong, wrong! Ah-nuld is going to do nothing but bitch and moan and beg for cash. (But Grey Davis just had to go!) No, the 'showdown' is the fault of the Party Of No in the state congress. The bitter dead-enders are screwing a state. So disingenuous are their actions, you'd be tempted to call them Right Wing Domestic Terrorist. This is what the Krugman says about the party of Limbaugh on Cali finances:
For California, where the Republicans began their transformation from the party of Eisenhower to the party of Reagan, is also the place where they began their next transformation, into the party of Rush Limbaugh. As the political tide has turned against California Republicans, the party’s remaining members have become ever more extreme, ever less interested in the actual business of governing.

And while the party’s growing extremism condemns it to seemingly permanent minority status — Mr. Schwarzenegger was and is sui generis — the Republican rump retains enough seats in the Legislature to block any responsible action in the face of the fiscal crisis.

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