Friday, June 12, 2009

US: Netanyahu Policy Speech Not Adequate

The proposals to be outlined in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech on Sunday will not be enough to satisfy the Obama administration, a senior U.S. official was quoted as saying on Friday.

The official said Netanyahu told U.S. envoy George Mitchell this week what he planned to say in the speech and that it was "not adequate" to satisfy Washington, who is pushing for an immediate resumption of talks on Palestinian statehood.

Obama will never have the stones to with hold the 12 Billion we GIVE to israel every year, which is what it would take to get the jews to negotiate in good faith. Apartheid continues! Acutually, it's all becoming clear. Maybe Von Brun was right. Maybe Obama's jews wouldn't permit him to even THINK of with holding free cash to israel.

Nice comb over you (Right Wing Domestic Terrorist) vain racist pig.

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