Monday, January 24, 2011

Supreme Asshole, Republican Antonin Scalia: It's ok to sentence an innocent man to death.

Scalia's flawless logic dictates that federal law need not concern it self with innocence.
Scalia takes the position that, from a legal perspective, it no longer makes the slightest difference whether Davis is innocent of the murder he was convicted of committing, and for which, in all likelihood, he will be executed. If a defendant got a fair trial in state court, there’s nothing the federal court can do, Scalia argues, to reverse that verdict—even if new evidence comes to light that convinces the court to a moral certainty that the defendant is innocent.

So the wrongfully accused must be put to death because it is in the constitution. Got it. What Scalia really does for his paycheck is to take the most retarded, hateful, right wing position then claim that's what the Constitution clearly says (you moron).

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