Tuesday, February 08, 2011

"...the church's own justice system..." Quick: what cult (and they are all cults) are we talking about?

Moreover, Scientologists are taught to handle internal conflicts within the church’s own justice system. Hawkins told me that if a Sea Org member sought outside help he would be punished, either by being declared a Suppressive Person or by being sent off to do manual labor, as Hawkins was made to do after Miscavige beat him.

God, the fucking article goes on forever. We are blamming TBogg.
I once asked Haggis about the future of his relationship with Scientology. “These people have long memories,” he told me. “My bet is that, within two years, you’re going to read something about me in a scandal that looks like it has nothing to do with the church.” He thought for a moment, then said, “I was in a cult for thirty-four years. Everyone else could see it. I don’t know why I couldn’t.” ♦

Well no one is claiming Tom Cruise (Gay & vain) was particularly bright. Neither it appears is Haggis.

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