Saturday, February 26, 2011

KCRW's Left Right & Center MidEast, MidWest, DOMA & Budget

Arianna is still counting her paycheck and it looks like she is just going to do cameos from now on. In stead of Arianna we got empty suit Chrystia Freeland. This week as usual, Matt, (Right Wing Villager) gives it to Tony Blankley for the kick off which leaves Robert to once again play defense. Tony goes on: "It's the end of a Golden Age in the Middle East" for tyrants and Israel. Tony then baselessly announces that he is bemused that liberals are calling for US troops in Libya. Tony, no body is calling for troops in Libya.

Tony makes Robert Scheer publicly support the fall of Gadhafi as some sort of litmus test.

Chrystia, editor from Thomson Reuters is next. "It's like the fall of the Soviet Union!" Tech Rocks! Experts are always wrong because they are in bed with the elites. No troops but a No Fly Zone might be nice.

Matt: Yea, a No Fly Zone. Tony?

Tony: Maybe, but Obama is a pussy. He'll never do it. Besides a NFZ leads to ground war ala Iraq. Lastly, Gadhafi is not performing genocide, so no US troops.

Matt: Robert, will you please side against Gadhafi and condemn his actions?

Robert: I agree with Tony!

Matt: Chrystia, is there something to learn here?

Chrystia: As a dictator, if you keep the military under your thumb, you can stay in power.

Matt: Moving on the MidWest, Wisconsin Democrats are still being cowards. Tony?

Tony: It's the beginning of the 2012 president election. The Obama is back peddling from his support of Unions because of the debt and over paid Government workers. Besides, private sector workers hate government workers. Screw the Unions because they are Democratic. It sucks for Obama.

Matt: Standing up for Unions is the Lefts' big fight for democracy. Going on the lamb like Wisconsin Senate Democrats did shows they are guilty and that Unions need to be busted.

Robert: Eh, not so much. It's a common tactic. Look at California. (Matt promptly Freaks. The. Fuck. Out.) The problem with the states budget are the freaking Banksters who brought the economic collapse. Screwing the Unions is not relevant. Not punishing the Banksters is a sin.

Matt: Chris Christie is a God. I GOD I say! Chrystia?

Chrystia: I agree with Robert and Tony. This is bad for Democrats. There are Unions. Teachers should be paid. Why are Democrats not framing the issue? Estate Taxes! Christie is a God!!

Matt: Gay Marriage. DOMA policy change at the White House. Tony?

Tony: Obama did it to take the heat off of Wisconsin. I'm amused by Obamas political calculation.

Robert: Fuck both of you bigots. DOMA is a human rights issue.

Chrystia: I'm against waffling on DOMA, but there has been waffling. Obama waffled for two years. Economic issues! Social Issues!

Matt: Government Shut Down. Tony?

Tony: Dems want a shutdown to embarrass republicans. Republicans need to spin the shutdown better than Newt did. We have Faux Spews now, so we got that.

Chrystia: I agree with tony.

Robert: The Kock brothers have really wrapped up conservative media.

The Round The Horn Rant:

Robert: States have no money. Boeing just got a contract for an obsolete plane. Teachers need to be paid.

Chrystia: We should hate dictators. They are crummy business partners.

Tony: We need tankers.

Matt: Christie is GOD!! Cut entitlements.

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