Saturday, February 12, 2011

KCRW's Left, Right & Center

Mubarak Steps Down; Fannie and Freddie's Future; Budget Wars

Arriana was not in town. Still stuffing $1000 dollar bills in her mattress for selling Huntington Post to AOL. The deal, we understand, gives not a red cent to the bloggers who create the content. If true, that's sort of a real Dick Move by Arriana.

With out Arriana to to cool things off, we expected Tony to go full wing nut. Robert started the hour moderately, which is par for course. Next, Tony confessed to fearmongering the last two weeks about 'radical islamist' taking over Egypt in his Washington rag. No reasons given. Tony's next point is that we should have a Manhattan Project develop 'domestic oil, shale, natural gas, coal and nuclear' energy because "the Chinese are already gobbling up all the oil in Africa". Matt Miller coos, "Interesting", and tries to follow Tony's deeply flawed logic with a narrative he makes up on the fly in order make sense of Tony's word salad.

This is where Arriana would gently refute Tony but she's not there so Tony goes on to fearmonger about Iran and Saudi fuel insecurity with more non-logic word salad.
Since Arriana isn't there, Matt fills in and rather confirms Tony's narrative.

Robert points out that Tony is full of shit on his Drill, Baby, Drill theory of Mubaraks' fall. Robert goes on to make many salient points. Lets wait for Tony's firebomb.
Tony: This is The West (Israel) VS Radical Islam. We must protect Israel! Note: Tony never mentions Israel by name in that rant.

At this point Matt notices Robert is pissed, not that Tony is baselessly fearmongering about Islam.
Robert called Tony on being an Islamaphobe bigot and points out that Iran and Saudi Arabia are not oil insecure. Matt cuts Robert off, "We're going to have to leave that there". Does Matt have Stockholm Sydrome?

The next segment was on Fannie and Freddie. Robert tee's off as per usual with non disputed discussion of the bank crisis and F & F, but firmly blames banksters for the crisis. Tony has no firebombs. Matt says nothing remarkable.

The last segment was budget wars. Tony states the sees a TeaBagg VS GOP fight on budget cuts. Robert thinks the glibertarians should be pushing for defense cuts. Matt thinks everyone should agree that medicare, medicade & social security need to be cut before we look at cutting defense spending.

With that mediocre show, it concluded with the round table rant.

Tony: As for the budget, all republicans want is to go back to 2008 spending levels. It's a practical "and reasonable place".

Robert: The Bansters fucked up and the taxpayers are suffering for their crimes.

Matt: Egypt's military will be reluctant to give up power.

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