Sunday, February 20, 2011

KCRW's Left, Right & Center

Wisconsin Standoff; Budget Cuts; Middle East Crackdown

This weeks recap: Matt gets pissed off. Villager Matt Miller begins by calling himself the "Extreme Political Center" and lets Robert kickoff on the Wisconsin Standoff. As usual, Robert calls it, balls and strikes. Matt says every governor in every state wants to bust unions, so, Scott Walker is NOT being partisan. Robert points out that is the TeaBag narrative and that Unions are not to blame for the current financial crisis. That Banksters and republican inability to cut war spending caused the financial crisis. Tony is facetious about the Wisconsin defense budget and makes a cut to Robert. Robert balks and Matt rebuffs Robert, not Tony. Tony continues. He spits out some percentages that will never be checked and says it's inevitable that Unions must be busted.

Matt: Robert, how do you respond to these facts that Tony just presented? Robert: The economy tanked because of the Banksters! Screw the banks, cut defense and leave the honest workers of American alone!

Matt: Robert, the Wisconsin budget deficit is 3 billion dollars (it's 2)! We have to screw the Unions.

Tony: Its a last stand by the Union to intimidate taxpayers! It's calculated! Liberals bussed in people!!

Matt: Robert, why cant you follow the conservative position that Unions Be Accountable?

Robert: This is not about balancing the deficit, it's about Union busting.

Matt: Wisconsin doesn't have a defense budget!

Robert: Don't make a mockery of this debate! Tony & Matt yell at Robert saying the Federal Govt doesn't have money to bail out states. The Fed would have to borrow. The Fed Govt waste money.

Robert: Bailing out states makes economic sense in this crisis. 600 Billion for banks but we can't find 2 Billion for Wisconsin?

Tony: We must make DMV employees contribute to their pensions and cut Veteran benefits. Matt agrees his is conservative like Tony. Says we have to cut Social Security. Robert calls Tony and Matt on their bullshit.

Matt: (Pissy) All state deficits are 170 Billion!

Robert: We gave AIG 200 Billion and AIG should of gone bankrupt. Matt says something snotty.

Tony: We had to save the economy. That was then. Now, it's time to bust Unions!

Matt: We have to move on. Tony, give us some spin?

Tony: Fiscal 2012 must cut entitlements. Our hands are tied until then. Boener must be complimented.

Matt: (Still pissy) Robert, admit Social Security must be cut.

Robert: No, Social Security does not need to be cut. The Military Industrial Complex on the other hand...

Matt: Bahrain. Tony?

Tony: As long as Israel benefits. Meh. Oil maybe.

Matt: American Values! Robert notices Freedom to republicans is good as long as Israel is happy. Oil keeps us from taking the side of Freedom. Oil taxes might be good.

End Of Show, Around the Table Rant.
Robert: Clinton, Obama cut social programs.

Tony: Saint Petraeus is going to resign and give up on Afghanistan. We told him so, right here.

Matt: We are going to have to cut public health care and recruit teachers and give them raises.

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