Monday, March 07, 2011

KCRW's Left Right & Center

Federal and State Budget Showdowns; Libya; Newt in 2012?
FRI MAR 4, 2011
Matt Miller, Robert Scheer, Jennifer Rubin, Ed Kilgore

This week Tony Blankley, mercifully is absent. Jennifer and Ed fill the gap and Republican Villager Matt Miller herds the cats.

Ed: Republicans need to cut entitlements. They have elderly voters who want their entitlements cut.

Matt: American doesn't want entitlement cuts, but they are push-polls, so you see entitlements need to be cut.

Jennifer: Obama is showing no leadership. Therefor, republicans are right not present specifics.

Robert: Entitlements are funded. Banksters screwed everything up. SS & Medicare are fully funded.

Matt: Liberals are poopy-heads for believing that SS & Medicare are funded for the next quarter century and are very successful. (which it is.)

Jennifer: Ohio is way ahead of Wisconsin in screwing workers.

Robert: Organizing is a right. It's not a budget issue, it's a issue for the right to remove rights from workers.

Jennifer: Fuck you Robert. Organizing is not a right. Democrats are corrupt.

Ed: Ideology legislation sucks. We are looking at you, Rick Scott in Florida.

Robert: The right wing is getting a hardon for another crummy ground war in Libya.

Matt: Jennifer, do you agree with Robert that we should just standby and let the Libyan slaughter continue? (All hell breaks loose. Matt apologizes. "Our time is limited Bob" shut the fuck up.)

Jennifer: I want a land war in Libya. Screw the consequences.

Ed: Newt is starting to run. He'll shake up the field.

End Of Show Rant

Jennifer: Hoover commission. Unfunded mandates are ruining Main Street, not Bansters.

Robert: Kadafi has been paying good money to rehab himself as the 'good' dictator. And you guys were drinking the Kool Aid until this week.

Ed: Medicaid. Look for republicans to fuck the poor by reducing Medicaid.

Matt: Liberal are too stupid to realize Social Security and Medicare need to be cut for their own good.

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