Thursday, April 07, 2011

Religious right wing assholes destroying America

1) Tennessee antievolution bill passes the House
The Tennessean (in its editorial of March 29, 2011), the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee have all expressed their opposition to HB 368, with the Tennessee Science Teachers Association — representing the supposed beneficiaries of the bill — characterizing it as "unnecessary, anti-scientific, and very likely unconstitutional."

2) Christian Conservatives Declare War On The American Cancer Society
The director of Right to Life Central California, Josh Brahm, has taken opposition to a new level by announcing a boycott of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life program to protest the organization’s support of stem cell research.

3) Idaho Rejects Rape Exception In Abortion Bill Because ‘The Hand Of The Almighty’ Was At Work
Idaho’s bill, however, also fails to include exceptions for rape, incest, severe fetal abnormality or the mental or psychological health of the mother.

4) Has there got to be a morning after? Not in Illinois
Illinois Circuit Judge John Belz ruled that pharmacists in Illinois do not have to dispense emergency contraceptives if they have a moral or religious objection. In fact, health services workers, from doctors and nurses to pharmacy techs, don’t have to provide any service they find objectionable, or even provide referrals to providers who will perform the service.

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