Wednesday, April 06, 2011

This filthy cunt outspent her opponent 3 to 1 to keep her corrupt, unethical court alive.

Meet Judge Amanda Williams, Glynn County, GA. Hot-head, childish, republican. There are bitches, and then there is Amanda. Christ, she was a wasted abortion opportunity. Get a load at how bad she is by listening to Ira Glass on Judge Williams in last weeks "This American Life" podcast.

Oh, and there is nothing unethical with regards to her steering money to her son, also an attorney in Glynn county.

Chief Superior Court Judge Amanda F. Williams is the mother of Nathan Williams a junior attorney in Glynn County, Ga. Judge Williams owns the office that Mr. Williams uses and has a financial interest in his success. Judge Amanda Williams has asked attorneys in our community to send business to her young son.

In addition Judge Williams has intimidated a lawyer to withdraw representation of a long standing client who is being sued by Nathan Williams.

Judge Williams is known to be an imperious person who has earned a reputation for aggressive and arbitrary behavior in her courtroom. Because of her impulsive conduct Judge Amanda Williams is the most reversed Superior Court Judge in the Glynn County Court System.

OK, so Judge Amanda Williams is a cunt. Got it. But her results are above average, aren't they? Uh, no. And she 'misrepresented' those facts. Ira Glass says Judge Williams says her court is average. Independent sources say her court performance is well below average.

Here it is from Ira's transcript. If true, the bitch lied.
As for their success rate: this fall the drug court's clinical director Steven Mansfield provided me with
numbers showing that the graduation rate for the Glynn Camden drug courts was 48%. Below the national
average and way lower than successful programs. Low enough, one expert said, that it showed something
was wrong.
When I shared that information with the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, and they
approached Judge Williams about it, she provided them different numbers, showing a 54% graduation rate
– which is still not as good as the best programs, but on par with the national average.

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