Sunday, May 01, 2011

Left, Right & Center

Birthers and Bernanke; Petraeus and Panetta with Tony Blankley (rightwingnut), Matt Miller (villager/rightwingnut), Robert Scheer & Mary Matalin (bat-shit-in-fucking-sane asshole)

Matt, Tony and Matalin kick Bob in the nuts for saying Chimpy lied to get the US in to war with Iraq. No joke. Further, one of the wingnuts suggested that the birther movement was not racist (it is), that the movement was started by Hillary (it wasn't) and that Chimpy's Iraq Lies and the Birther issue was a left/right equivilent (it is not).

Look, if KCRW is going to put this shit on air as Left, Right and Center, get a hippie a wingnut and a moderator, not 3 crazy villagers and a same person.

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