Sunday, July 08, 2012

Banksters: We screwed the world out of Trillions with this LIBOR grift. Now fuck off. TeaBaggers: ObamaCare is treason and the end of Liberty

A little perspective people. Bitch mouth Bobby Jindal says "Caymans? Offshore? Millions? I don't know what your talking about." Wayne LaPierre says "Fast & Furious is going to take your .50 cal machine gun." Although Obama is too much of a pussy to even mentioning it when a congresswoman gets her brains zapped by a deranged right wing asshole. George Will is still intentionally confused about climate change. The Kock brothers are still plotting to ensure you never breath a breath of clean air. And Chicken Hawk Coward Draft Dodger Willard Mittens has no idea what the fuck he is doing. We are all Seamus.

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