Saturday, January 26, 2013

National Research Council: Lie Detectors don't work. National Intelligence Director James Clapper says fuck you, I don't care.

It's impossible to to reform the shadow government that you pay for. So shut the fuck up, asshole.
National Research Council’s determination that polygraph testing's accuracy in distinguishing actual or potential security violators from innocent test takers is insufficient to justify reliance on its use in employee security screening in federal agencies.” 

 “A favorably completed and adjudicated polygraph examination conducted by an agency, in accordance with this directive, shall be reciprocally accepted by all other agencies.” This raises the question, if polygraphy is so reliable, then why should not an unfavorably completed and adjudicated polygraph examination also be reciprocally accepted by all other agencies?
The upshot is, the US Government will continue to use Junk Science as a coercive, manipulative tool against its own people in order to get outcomes the power elite want from their underlings.

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