Saturday, February 02, 2013

Shorter WKCR's Left, Right & Center

Blah Jobs, Grilling Hagel and Immigration Reform FRI FEB 1, 2013
Hosts: Matt Miller, Robert Scheer, Philip Klein

Matt: Hagel. Immigration. Super Bowl Weekend. Economy sucks. Different views. Deficit. Bob?

Bob: Yep, sucks. Labor market. Fundamentals  Housing. No good jobs. The FED continues to buy Billions of bad Bankster paper. 4 trillion dollars of bad Bankster criminal mistakes.  Economy contracted due to cut in government jobs.

Matt: Sequester and showdowns. Philip?

Philip: Yea, things blow.  Labor. Job loss.  Mild contraction.  Real problem.  How do we get back to a normal level of growth? Bob is wrong. We should of cut government jobs.  Government jobs don't matter. Government spending on military spending does.

Matt: Payroll tax increase and fear of sequester is to blame for no growth. The deficit obsession is the longer term problem. Give me a quick rub, Bob.

Bob: Philip is stupid to advocate for a cut in government job spending in a depression.

Matt: Hagel got screwed by President McCain. (A clip of bitter asshole Grandpa McCain clip is played.   Hagel should of asked if McCain still stands by Vice Presidential candidate.) Philip?

Philip: It was a disastrous day for Hagel.  Hagel's big problem is being an anti-semite, anti-Jewish lobby and pro Iran and Hamas.  He wont bomb on Iran.  He's lying about his current position. I'm afraid Hagel wont support Zionist genocide of the Palestinian.

Matt: Hagel's worst hour. Neocons are pissed about Hagel being right about Iraq.

Bob: No shit Matt. You are Master of the Obvious. The McCain, Princess Star Pony Graham and the Tea Bagger from Texas temper tantrum was Revenge of the Neocons. Everyone knows Iraq was an abortion.  Confront the Military Industrial Complex. Cut DoD spending.


Matt: We need to shrink the Defense budget. Hagel was enlisted. And a republican.

Philip: "O" has the same policy as the Neocons. Hagel is ant-Zionist. Palestinians in cages is a valid Zionist war crime. "O" and Hagel need to justify their absurd anti-semitic positions.  Liberals are full of shit about cutting Defense. Military Industrial Defense money means jobs and economic growth. Government spending on Defense is good. Obfuscation. You know contraction. Defense. Wait, I'm really lost here. I cant remember what my argument is. Oh, this is weak. I won't be invited back. Liberals have a double standard about spending during bad and good economic times.

Matt: Immigration. Stars align. Gang of 8.  Consensus. Dems might be able to get a deal this time.

Bob: Racist Tea-Bag republicans don't want immigration reform, yet republicans are confused as to why they lose elections, they dont care that the world hates them and baffled as to what to do about it. Wops. Irish.

Matt: The mega view is an economic strategy. We turn away talent after they get an education here. Canada, Germany, Singapore. The rest of the world. We should be adults about this, but poop-head republicans are the reason we cant have nice things.

Philip: Political, divisive issue. Different perpectives. Issues. Orderly. I'm confused as to why republicans like myself are hated for being bigots.  Orderly. Close the border!! Build the fence! What to do with 11 million here illegally. (not undocumented, but illegally he says. What an asshole.) They cant get favorable treatment! Close the border. Politics, both sides. Employment verification. An agreement in general. Thorny issues.  No path to citizenship until the Border commission says the border is closed. Jan Brewer is a Ding Bat Bitch. The commission will never, never agree to anything. Thorny issues. Trigger. Who is on the commission. ACLU. Lose republicans. The question is thorny issues. And so forth. Unlikely. Divided government. No deadline.  Republicans are not happy. Status quo.

Matt: We need an immigration cliff? Dr KrautStrangeLoveHammer says to finish the fence then amnesty. Bob? (Who in gods name listens to Chuckles Krauthammer anymore?)

Bob: (Pissed.)  Border is secure. Its drugs and guns. "O" has answered the border problem. Fewer people are crossing. Economy sucks. It's a human rights issues. Hypocrisy. Agriculture would die with out Mexicans. Auto and textile depends on immigration. Foreign money can always get a green card. Separate  No problem. I'm a teacher. We exploit immigrants. It's a human rights issue. Philip is a fucking asshole and "O" will get this done because the Tea Baggers are screwed for the next decade if they don't go along.

Matt: End of Show Rant!

Bob: Banksters are obscene. Criminal. Fed still bailing out Banksters. Outrageous. No one cares. Disgusting. Harumph!

Philip: Hagel is an anti-semite. He can't defend his anti-zionist bigotry.  Apartheid Israel does not commit war crimes! So stop saying that!

Matt: Super Bowl Double Rant! Religious institutions are bitching about contraceptives.  I love Breaking Bad. New world of TV. Netflix. House of Cards. That's all the time we have for great TV. I've forgotten that I'm on radio.

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