Sunday, July 14, 2013

Liz Mair, Matt Lewis and Real Time

Liz, someday faraway, the crazies will leave your beloved circle jerk of a political party and you can continue to be a condescending bitch. Either way sell your batshit crazy someplace else. You insane bitch.
"Trayvon had a chip on his shoulder and started to push back!" -Matt Lewis
Yea. Fucking asshole Trayvon started to push back from being stalked and murdered. Everyone knows if you're black you have no right to protect yourself from someone even he's half white.  Can we get some Negros to stand their ground against the sub human pieces of shit that calls themselves Zimmerman?  Here is a hint, don't have any witnesses. The government cant make you testify and the government has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. So please kill them all.

Secondly, jesus, it is so cute watching republicans like Matt and Liz pretend to want to 'fix' anything. republicans are ruled by the troglodyte anti American, teabag treasonous wing of the conservative party. Inhofe, Cruz, Gohmert, DeMint, Bachmann, Junkie Limpballs, Voter Felon Anne Coulter, Hannity, O'Lufah, Steve King....

Lastly, all republicans ARE bigots and racist pieces of shit. Otherwise they are called rinos. Or otherwise known as democrats.

And Cornell West is awesome. 

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