Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Michael Steele say the only non-Oreo thing in recent memory

It's not much, but credit where it's due.  As for Mark O'Mara, well, he gets paid to lie for scumbags like Zimmerman.

For the record, Zimmerman is the ultimate murdering racist. It's impossible to be more racist than Zimmerman. Hunting black people is...racist. You can't stalk and murder only black people and be called anything else. You are a fucking murdering racist.
One of George Zimmerman's defense lawyers said that George Zimmerman "never would have been charged" with a crime in the death of Trayvon Martin if Zimmerman were black.
Mark O'Mara also said that Zimmerman was not racist. And he scolded the media in a press conference after a not-guilty verdict was handed down in the case, blasting the press for prompting racial undertones in the case. O'Mara's first remark immediately raised eyebrows on social media — he made the seeming wide-ranging proclamation about race for which he later scolded the media.  
Michael Steele, the former Republican National Committee chairman, questioned whether O'Mara was "high." Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) also weighed in, suggesting during the press conference that O'Mara could "incite a riot by his arrogance alone."  

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