Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Teabag conservative republican Steve King refused to apologize to Univision for calling immigrants dogs

Asshole republican Steve King went on the largest TV network in America, Univision and refused to apologize for calling Latinos 'Dogs'. It gets better. Asshole republican King went on to say the comparison was a compliment. Let that sink in for a second. Largest TV network in America. Not just Hispanic America, but all of it. Univision in July was bigger than ABC, CBS or NBC. And a republican was interviewed where he not only called Latinos dogs, but refused to apologize for and even called it a compliment. Awesome.
In a Univision interview, leading Hispanic reporter Jorge Ramos confronted Rep. Steve King (R-IA) over remarks in 2012 where the congressman likened immigrants to dogs. King refused to apologize, even as Ramos told him “many people would find that offensive and racist.”
Why, yes! Many people do find republican asshole Steve King a fucking racist! Good job on your Hispanic voter outreach!

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