Thursday, August 22, 2013

35 years, that’s almost a life sentence – for crimes that the government was unable to prove actually and directly hurt anyone

That's not the point, libtard! The point is powerful ignorant war criminals were embarrassed! Jesus, what's wrong with you, you un-American traitor? There were promotions to be had! Medals! Ribbons! Who gives a shit if some poor slob or two (or hundreds of thousands adults and children) were murdered? You say war crimes I say potatoes and tomatoes.  You say 'careerism' like it's an ugly or dishonorable word. This is post-constitution America, asshole. Get with the program.

Finally there is one more thing I want to get off my chest. I want every Iraqi family struggling with a congenital birth defect due to depleted uranium to just shut the fuck up and say, "Thank You America, for my Freedom".  Just because Iraqi birth defects are worse than Hiroshima after American terrorists patriots nuked Japan with Little Boy, there is no reason for those sand negros to complain.

Besides, we got rid of Saddam! Mushroom clouds and smoking guns, remember? "Bin Laden determined to strike the US" and My Pet Goat? Good times. Anyhoo, screw you libtard. You don't know anything. 35 years is too good for a traitor like Manning.

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