Saturday, August 31, 2013

Asshole republicans of the day 08/31/2013

1) Religious bigot chaplain klingesnschmitt lies for republican jesus.
Chaplain Klingenschmitt: Jesus said in Mark 15 that if anyone disobeys or dishonors his mother or father he should be put to death. Jesus said in Luke 17.
John Fugelsang: No, sir. He did not say that. He is quoting Leviticus. He is throwing that back in the face of the Pharisees. Some of us know that story sir.
The reason Klingshit gets away with this bullshit, is that the eyes of sentient being glaze over when some asshole tries to quote 2000 year old goat herders as some sort of 'fact'.  No one intelligent pearson really cares what chapter and verse some passage appears in the 2000 year old book of jewish fairy tales.

2) Pete Prisco is a souless piece of shit who got his nose rubbed in shit yesterday. We wish him all the pain in the world for being a monumental, nasty asshole.

3) Barack "No War Crimes for Chipy" Obama seems to be planning another war of aggression on another Muslim country. Looks like the US is now the Official Air Force for Al Qaeda.

4) Fat slob Jonah Goldberg continues to say stupid ignorant things on the twitter machine.  Who on the left says such factual non-sense?

5) Scott Walker blames his bitter failure as governor on Obama for not bringing peace to the middle east.

6) Dim witted religious bigot David Barton is terribly confused about Freedom from Religion.  Religious freedom is not the freedom to shove your religious beliefs on everyone else

7) The red state rubes at Blue Ridge Christian Academy can go to hell. Extensive child abuse happened there.

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