Friday, August 30, 2013

Asshole republicans of the day

1) Wingnut, teabag birther Jerome Corsi wants you to call him a racist bigot. Also, he thinks sex isn't about being fun.

2) The ever assinine Jim DeMint, formally know as the Senate's Bigges Asshole says providing health care For Seniors And Veterans Is ‘Un-American’ And Grounded In ‘Socialism’.

3) In effort to woo female voters, Turtle Mitch McConnell touts womens's law he voted against.

4) Lizard Cheney says 'I am not pro-gay marriage'. To wit the world says, 'We don't fucking care what racist batshit you think, bitch.'

5) Deep State NSA, run by facists, on a bloated tax payer budget, finds no terrorists. So naturally, every US citizen is a terrorist. That's the reason the NSA has to Commandeer the Internet.

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