Thursday, August 22, 2013

Captured FISA court: "NSA possibly violated a criminal law against spying on Americans."

Even the secret FISA court stacked with Chief Justice Roberts’ sycophant judges recognized the NSA violated federal criminal law.

Sad trombone. Sad face. Butt hurt. Sads.

You cannot have this much unchecked power and have a free society. The power will be abused, it will be misused, and the more secret the power is the less accountable those are who wield it. The NSA, if nothing else, has proven this point repeatedly. They have tasked themselves the right to spy on whomever they want whenever they want despite Constitutional guarantees against unreasonable searches and seizures.

That's right, bitches! Long Live Deep State NSA!!! Freedom! Liberty. Eh. oh. Wait a minute...

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