Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Levison of Lavabits got a FBI National Security Letter: “There’s information I can’t share with my lawyer”

Jesus fucking christ. Wow. That's breathtaking. And not the least bit creepy, fascist or illegal and no judge involved. Think about this for a second. Let that sink in. You just got RAPED with the full weight and power of the US Federal Government, and you can't even talk to a lawyer.

Enjoy Post Constitutional America, everyone.  The good news, is that Deep State FBI is starting to piss off white people.  Because as you know, only white people matter in the USA.  Maybe that's why the only two black guys on the planet able to do anything about this don't. Holder and Obama could simply tell the FBI to stop.

Deep State FBI just destroy Levison with no accountability, and no recourse for Levison. 10 years down the shitter and 75K in yearly lost income.  The FBI must be happy Levison didn't have shareholders.

The US Government message to every entrepreneur, is start your business in another country.  We The People, Are the Enemy.

So why did Levison get the letter? Because Snowden was using Lavabits and the FBI wanted to close that method of communication least Levison be "complicit in crimes against the American people".  So Snowden has to get a new email address and Levison gets screwed. Nice.

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