Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meet republican asshole Jason D. Simione

He beats his dog too.
A South Florida business owner, is accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill family members including his wife and young child, stockpiling guns and bomb-making materials and threatening the life of President Barack Obama. He was ordered held on $5 million bond Tuesday. According to the arrest warrant: Simione “has repeatedly said the President Of The United States should be murdered because he is a n*gger.” In the warrant it states that he did not care if his wife was raped by the hitman. He also used racial epitaphs towards his employees.
Employees said Simione had been stockpiling firearms, ammunition and bomb-making materials and had threatened to kill anyone who attempted to arrest him or take his child. That’s the child he wanted killed by a hitman unless he got custody of the kid.

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