Thursday, August 01, 2013

"We, the American People, Are the Enemy"

XKeyscore! So! Looks like republican Mike Rogers is a big fat fucking liar after all. Republican Steve King too.
"XKeyscore and other NSA systems to obtain ongoing “real-time” interception of an individual’s internet activity.”
Patrick Leahy says there is no evidence that Deep State NSA prevented anything. Not terrorist attack or activity. Nothing. But Deep State NSA does cost Billions if not Trillions of dollars. You know what's going to happen next? The FBI is going to make a case that they need that data to catch left wing domestic terrorists. Or child porn merchants. Then it will be someone's ex-wife that is being spied upon. Then someone's mistriss. A political opponent will be smeared before (s)he gets on the ballot. This will all be done retroactively and in real time.
Nothing good will come of this. There will be blackmail, murder and crushed lives. We are all being played. The US is now a corporate fascist police state, unaccountable to its citizens.
Congress enabled this unaccountable Deep State and its illegality. The Fourth Amendment banning illegal searches and seizures, police warrants, protection against self-incrimination, trial by jury and the credo of innocent until proven guilty are all gone.

Lets be clear: the NSA domestic spying and the captive FISA court are illegal. The Deep State cannot be challenged or changed and they will lie, deceive and continue to break any law that prevents them from spying.

SkyNet XKeyscore is alive and has gained consciousness. All your base are belong to us. Game Over.

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