Sunday, August 04, 2013

The NSA is "collecting everything, contents word for word, everything of every domestic communication in this country."

Bluffdale is where the unaccountable Deep State NSA is going to store it all.
Those who disagree with these surveillance programs are at least somewhat suspect. And that could be anyone. So I'm going to take a wild guess and say that everyone is considered a potential adversary.
We, the American People, Are the Enemy. Nobody gives a fuck and the NSA has 'captured' both Congress and the FISA court. "Ta Da!" Long Live Deep State NSA!
It has been widely noted that the supremely rubber-stamping FISA court constitutes NSA "oversight" in name only, and that the Intelligence Committees are captured by the agency and constrained to act even if they were inclined to. Whatever else is true, members of Congress in general clearly know next to nothing about the NSA and the FISA court beyond what they read in the media, and those who try to rectify that are being actively blocked from finding out.
The single most powerful job on the planet is the guy running the NSA. Not the president or congress or even the Supreme Assholes. As brazen and criminal as this is, its only a matter of time before the NSA really fucks up big time. Maybe its blackmail. An Ultimate Insider Trading deal goes sideways. Money disappears. Then a Department of Justice Lawyer requests, ney, DEMANDS the NSA allows legions of investigators, lawyers and lobbyist from Homeland Security, the FBI, the Secret Service, DEA, ATF, the Pentagon, US Marshals, EPA, Departments of Energy and Education, the ACLU and the US Chamber of Commerce get access to and monetize all those sweet, embarrassing and illegal secrets.

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