Monday, September 02, 2013

“It’s bad for Israel that the average American gets it into his or her mind that boys are again sent to war for Israel."

Itamar Rabinovich, who the fuck are you? Who you calling a "boy"? American service members are adults. Who the fuck are you to be so rude to your benefactor? You know the US has adult women in the DoD? You want America to spill its blood for the likes of a jewish bigot like you? Isn't enough the US spends more on Apartheid israeli offense that Apartheid israel spends on itself?

Yes, Apartheid israel wants Americans to die for Apartheid israel. Apartheid israel needs Americans to die for Apartheid israel. And Apartheid israel is afraid Americans won't die for Apartheid israel any longer.

Maybe the US should stop giving Apartheid israel free money, weapons and military intelligence.

Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, says Israel may have conducted 'false flag' operation. Describes its government as inept and Netanyahu as 'clueless.'
So Apartheid israel gassed thousands in order to provoke the US into spilling American blood for...Apartheid israel. How ironic.

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