Friday, September 06, 2013

republican hate grifter Pat Robertson used money, intended for refugees in Africa, for his own diamond-mining venture.

It's a good thing USMC Lt Robertson cowardly avoided war in Korea. Otherwise he might not have survived to see the day when he fraudulently used his hate grifting operation to support his blood diamond mine.
Following the Rwandan genocide, Robertson encouraged viewers of the Christian Broadcasting Network's "The 700 Club" to donate money to Operation Blessing. He said the organization would be helping the many refugees who'd made their way into Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo).
But pilots who worked for the organization have claimed that instead of transporting aid, cargo planes were often used to haul equipment for Robertson-backed diamond mining that was going on hundreds of miles away.
Jesus christ! The Coward Pat Robertson is a scum sucking piece of shit!
Robertson has been embroiled in mining controversies elsewhere in Africa. He supported the then president of Liberia, Charles Taylor, during that country's civil war without revealing at the time that he had an $8m investment in a Liberian gold mine. Taylor was already indicted by a UN war crimes tribunal at the time and was later convicted of crimes against humanity.

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