Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Government Efforts to Keep Use of Surveillance Secret from Drug Defendants Challenged

Maybe the US can jail a few Deep State NSA fascists?
Defendants have a right to discovery evidence that would be relevant to a Fourth Amendment motion to suppress, the brief argues. They are entitled to “disclosure of the full extent of the electronic surveillance used in this case, in particular, any reliance on NSA-derived call data, the Hemisphere Project and/or stingrays.”
Hey it's still a post 911, post constitutional world.
EPIC believes the NSA overstepped its authority by carrying out broad communications monitoring and surveillance worldwide, and demanded the program be stopped.  
Good luck with that. NSA will simply say "Ok. You got us!" then rename the program and continue unabated.  The fuckers can't be trusted. They lied to congress, they lied to FISA courts there is no accountability.

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