Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Israel Uses Settler Feces as Bio-Warfare Weapon

Seriously, Apartheid, what the fuck? You inhuman bastards are spraying shit and water on peoples homes? At this rate lets hope Iran goes nuclear soon.
Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) uses feces of Israeli residents and settlers as a form of bio-warfare against Palestinian farmers in the villages of Wadi Fuqeen and Nahaleen. Additionally, the Israeli army has developed a large vehicle for spraying sewage waste and feces at Palestinian protestors and homes, reportedly, in the towns of Abu Dis, Aizariah, Bil’in and Nabi Saleh. Spraying sewage waste has become so common a weapon used by the Israeli Army that the combination of sewage water, feces, and human urine has been named “skunk”. B'Tselem reports that ‘skunk’ and the vehicle used to disperse it, have been added to Israel's armory for crowd control.

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