Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meet republican asshole, Rick Reilly ESPN columnist

ESPN employee Rick Reilly's latest missive starts thusly:
I guess this is where I'm supposed to fall in line and do what every other American sports writer is doing. I'm supposed to swear I won't ever write the words "Washington Redskins" anymore because it's racist and offensive and a slap in the face to all Native Americans who ever lived. Maybe it is.
When you start your opinion piece admitting you're a racist asshole, don't expect any happy surprise endings. What is noteworthy is that this ESPN employee goes on to slander and lie. Why is this ESPN employee a republican? Because if your going to be racist, you're probably going to vote republican. The Westboro Baptist Church doesn't vote democratic. Regardless, better get Houston on the phone, because there might be a problem in ESPN racist paradise.
When Rick’s article came out, it upset me to be portrayed as an “Uncle Tom” in support of this racial slur. I asked him to correct the record. He has not, so I must do it myself.

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