Thursday, October 03, 2013

The US Government's right to your private information.

Lavabit founder Ladar Levison got screwed by the US Government. Edward Snowden used Lavabit and the FBI wanted to eat all the cookies.
Hilton ruled for the government. “[The] government’s clearly entitled to the information that they’re seeking, and just because you-all have set up a system that makes that difficult, that doesn’t in any way lessen the government’s right to receive that information just as they could from any telephone company or any other e-mail source that could provide it easily,” said Hilton.
Did you read that? That's what the Judge said. The "government's rights". Stop and think about that. Your rights and the rights of 400,000 subscribers? Go f*** yourself. The government's rights? I want it all. All the keys, all the encryption. Everything. I'm the US government. I have rights. This taking of private information is an ongoing public rape by the government that will never be stopped. The information will inevitably be abused by government employees. There will be endless blackmail, theft, murders... Or worse, batallions of DOJ federal prosecutors will get to cut and paste all your juicey gossipy information...

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