Sunday, November 17, 2013

republicans are destroying America

When you think of a conservative, you don't think of scumbags who inherited their vast wealth like the Koch brothers or Willard Romney. Most Americans that think of mean spirited pricks like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum or the useless orange drunkard that 'leads' the US House.

Republicans and republican lawmakers are seen as bigots.  Yes, America, conservatives are generally racist. The Teabag wing of the Klan especially.  That's not to say all conservatives are racist, but if you are racist, you're voting republican.  You guys are seen as anti-immigrant, anti-science, anti-minority and misogynistic. Republicans claim to love America but clearly, clearly, they hate Americans that aren't white. Republicans are anti-American on every single issue that faces America today. Infrastructure, banksters, clean energy, patent reform, gun control, religion in government, for profit prison, tax loopholes, wars of aggression, stand your ground, animal rights, voting rights, privacy, an even bigger military, paramilitary cops, vindictive judges, abusive prosecutors, TSA sexual abuse, Guantanamo, torture, global warming, pot, domestic spying rivaling East Germany and Oceana (1984 reference!) healthcare, pollution, gay marriage, tax cuts for the 1%, food stamps, minimum wage, nothing republicans do helps America. Nothing. And by doing nothing they are destroying America and making it difficult for the adults in the room to fix anything.

Instead of helping, republicans are easily offended, vindictive and fond of saying 'No'. At every turn since Chimpy aWol Bush stumbling from the podium to convert Jews to Christ, republicans decided to destroy America. Because to do other wise would help the Kenyan.  Could most conservative find Hawaii on the map with both hands? Kenya?

Yes, republicans are destroying America out of spite. Republicans are pissed that other people are getting ahead. They hate being a minority. They hate not being in charge. So they are going to burn it down. The roof is on fire. Let the mother fucker burn.

The tragedy of republican obstructionism is that the US is leaving money on the table.  Everyone lost in the Second Great Depression, wholly owned subsidiary of the deregulation ideologues of the republican party. Austerity does not grow the economy, nor does the non-existent jobs bill or too big to fail and jail banksters. But republicans don't care. They'll even shut down the government just to give a seditious "fuck you" to the American people. Conservatives are hurting Americans out of spite. This is sociopathic behavior aimed at hurting all of us, the vulnerable and strong alike because we are all vulnerable to nihilist, seditious republican obstruction.  There is no accountability. America is being held hostage by gerrymandered red state welfare recipients represented by the likes of Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert and Joe Barton.  Uneducated hillbillies perpetually frightened and insecure, willing to destroy everything, because derp. The ignorance is breathtaking in scope only to be surpassed by the pain and suffering inflicted on the rest of the citizenry. When was the last time so few screwed so many?  Oh, fuck you, libtard. These republican lawmakers are millionaires and they don't like you.  They have theirs, so fuck you. They will leave the world a worse place. Want an example?

America hasn't been able to 'do' anything big for quite a while. Since disgraced presidents Nixon, Reagan and the Shrub fascists it has been harder and harder for America to do anything competently. America hasn't won a war since 1945.   America can't build a high speed trains, space shuttles or the worlds tallest building. America couldn't even steal the oil from Iraq responsibly.  Not only cant America 'do' anything,  since Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, it become clear that We The People, are the Enemy and nothing will be fixed. The US is left with a corrupt expanding military that is bleeding the economy.  The republican response is to cut food stamps for the hungry mooching 47%, provide a painful expensive end to sick Americans and tax cuts for the rich.

The American can't 'do' thing is not limited to Congressional obstructionists. American republicans can tear shit down.  Bush V. Gore was an abortion. Gutting the voting rights act was a moral obscenity. Supreme Asshole Fat Tony Scalia thinks suitcase nukes might be allowed under the Second Amendment because a person could physically carry it. He also believes the devil is a real live person and that broccoli is the same as health care. Citizens United allows foreigners to subvert American elections but the one of the most absurd, the most ridiculous the most insane wing nut bullshit also comes from republicans in the Judicial branch. Say it in R-Money's voice and chuckle his creepy laugh at the end. "Corporations are people, my friend'.  Meanwhile congressional republicans are preventing Obama from doing his constitutional duty of appointing judges to the federal bench via filibuster.

All the while Faux Spew, Deadbart, Drudge, America's Shittiest Website, Newsmax, hate radio and the rest of the smug assholes who live in the Epistemic Bubble fellate each other while mumbling nonsense about Kenya, socialism and marxism.  Some of you republican assholes are even happy, gleeful even to deny Americans the opportunity to see a fucking doctor. The republican strategy is to sabotage ObamaCare which will kill Americans while conservatives cheer.

The worst part? Obama is governing like a moderate republican.  His signature piece of legislation? A republican plan snatched from the fascist far right Heritage Foundation. He killed OBL, kept the Abortion in Afghanistan going, increased drone war crimes started under the ChimpCo regime kept the Bush tax cuts for the rich and he loves Drones! The deficit is falling faster than any other time in the last 60 years and the Stock Market is through the roof. So what could be the problem? Oh, right. Republicans hate Negroes.

The good news? Ever day Faux loses another viewer. That is to say, another racist conservative bigot dies. The republican party becomes smaller and irrelevant everyday.  Enjoy the hate while it lasts, assholes because you can't disenfranchise enough black and brown people to ever win a national election again. You are a fringe, nationalist party like Europe's Neo-Nazi's or Apartheid Israels Likud party. You are a national embarrassment that is going extinct though not nearly fast enough but you are going. 

Good riddance to bad garbage.

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