Thursday, December 19, 2013

Feeding off the claim that conservatives are “oppressed” any time they aren’t elevated as superior to the rest of America is their bread and butter.

Look, I get why the usual suspects are whining and moaning that conservative assholes are entitled to have a TV show on A&E to preserve their “free speech”, without bothering to explain when the rest of us get our A&E shows because we also have free speech rights. Feeding off the claim that conservatives are “oppressed” any time they aren’t elevated as superior to the rest of America is their bread and butter. But man, it’s particularly stupid right now.
Ding bat Sarah Palin thinks Phil Robertson's free speech is endangered. That hate grifter has no earthly idea what free speech actually means. Sarah Palin seems to think she can say any stupid insane racist thing without suffering rebuke. Fuck you, Sarah. That's not what free speech is all about.

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