Sunday, December 08, 2013

Newt is more interesting when Sheldon Adelsons' hand isn't shoved up his ass

 It's shocking Newt may have said this.
Some conservatives say, ah, but he was a communist.
Actually Mandela was raised in a Methodist school, was a devout Christian, turned to communism in desperation only after South Africa was taken over by an extraordinarily racist government determined to eliminate all rights for blacks.
I would ask of his critics: where were some of these conservatives as allies against tyranny? Where were the masses of conservatives opposing Apartheid? In a desperate struggle against an overpowering government, you accept the allies you have just as Washington was grateful for a French monarchy helping him defeat the British.
Finally, if you had been imprisoned for 27 years, 18 of them in a cell eight foot by seven foot, how do you think you would have emerged? Would you have been angry? Would you have been bitter?
If Rich Lowry was born black in South Africa and had to live under Apartheid, I'm sure he'd be giving Frederik Willem de Klerk handies and blowies under the table.

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