Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sally Kohn suffers from Stockholm Syndrome

In Sally Kohn's Ted Talk titled, "Let’s try emotional correctness" Sally testifies that as a faux spews host, she witnessed Sean Hannity being nice to the staff and that Liberals and conservatives should be nice to each other and really listen to each other.

Bullocks. Hannity deserves, nay, needs to be publicly ridiculed and humilitated for being the hate grifter he is. Lots of human pieces of shit were nice people to talk to over coffee but many could of used a Second Amendment aid. Sally is just thankful the conservative bigots at faux don't stone her when she comes in to work.

Nothing Sean Hannity says is legitimate. Nothing can be learned from Sean Fucking Hannity. When Sean dies, no one will shed a tear. Sean has neither improved the human condition for anyone or imporved the political disscourse in America. Sean is less than zero and deserves no human kindness and is to be avoided at all costs.

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