Sunday, February 09, 2014

Dear SEppy Cupp, Obama won. Millions voted for him over Willard Mittens R-Money. He's not going away, nor should he.

Millions voted for Obama versus the thousands that voted for teabag conservatives in the House. But you said Obama should just go away and let conservative asshole republicans legislate. I got news for you. Teabag nation isn't going to vote for immigration reform. Besides in a democracy, why should millions of American voters allow a handful of teabag conservatives governing privileges without consent of the majority?

Your argument seems to be "Waa!! Waaaa! Snivle! (blows snot bubbles) Sob!!"

We are never watching Crossfire, you insipid withered hag. Fuck you, cunt.

P.S. Hey Bill Maher? No one gives a fuck about irrelevant republican assholes like  P. J. O'Rourke, SEppy Cupp, Michael Steele, Jack Kingston,  Naill Ferguson and the rest of the morally bankrupt retards in the republican cult.

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