Sunday, March 09, 2014

America’s poorest regions are red states, run by white republicans, and filled with people who have the blues

1. Southern states have the most poor people.
2. Deep South states have no minimum wage.
3. Deep South has lowest economic mobility.
4. South has lowest per capita spending by state government.
5. Forget about decent preventative healthcare.          
6. One result: people self-medicate in response.
7. Forget the lottery, just pray to Jesus.
8. And hold onto that gun!
Conservative, republican policies always fail. Why can't tea-baggers admit failure? Why can't the invisible hand of the market grab them by the throat and choke them to death? Look at the absolute life long failures at CPAC this week. Do you want Sarah Palin teaching your kids? Do you want voter felon Ann Coulter in your life? Ted Cruz with nuclear bomb capabilities would be the end of the world as we know it.

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