Friday, May 30, 2014

John R. Schindler, appologist for the fascist surveillence state acts like petulant child who hates that the world does not operate the way he fantasizes it does

Schindler may be the dimmest bulb professor at the U.S. Naval War College, but he IS a servile boot-licker of the surveillance state.

John's ability to think firmly inside the box will keep him sucking the governments tit for the rest of his horrid, reactionary, personally insecure life.

Hopefully if and when Shindler is released from his dungeon to speak to the eager minds in his care at the U.S. Naval War College, there will be a teachers assistant standing behind him performing the hand-tongue-blowjob routine for as long as he speaks because if John succeeds in infecting those around with his paranoid delusions, god help us all.

It is fun to watch Schindler lose his shit over Snowden who single handedly bested himself and Deep State NSA.

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