Saturday, May 17, 2014

John R. Schindler over at 'The XX Committee' blog has a horrible fact free 'both sides do it' opinion piece

John R. Schindler says he is professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, where he’s been wanking since 2005. In todays blog post, John does a horrific job of giving cover to truely destructive republican polices. The post John should of wrote, is that he such a right wing asshole, that he has lost ALL objectivity. Instead he penned a crappy both side do it post because he can't possible fathom right wing policy and ideology failures.

I posted a comment, which I'm confident will never see the light of day. He caters to right wing nuts.

1. Disdain for science and other experts? That's a solidly republican virtue.

2. Ignorance? "republicans are destined to live in poverty because they’re ‘Born Into Ignorance’" -Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Complain all you want, but red welfare states are on the bottom of the list decade after decade in education, health, mortality and prosperity. These things are facts. You can google it.

3. “natural republicans”? You couldn't offer a valid reasons for African Americans, women, gays or minorities to vote republican for the last four decades. This demographic IS voting in their own best interest.

4. Given that republicans have stood in the way of healthcare progress for nearly a century, ObamaCare IS a radical step forward to justice.

Poor effort John. There is no 'both sides do it'. You are overpaid.

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