Thursday, June 26, 2014

We the People, Are the Enemy of the State.

John R. Schindler, blogger of XX Committee says sending Dick Pics to someone other than his wife is not illegal

Disgraced republican John R. Schindler, public employee ot the U.S. Naval War College admits to being a total douche bag too.

I hope his wife chooses not to fuck him anymore. I hope his children become disappointed in him. I hope the U.S. Naval War College fires him.

Not for the dick pics. But because this reactionary sycophant endless defends the constitutional crimes of the Deep State NSA. John R. Schidndler is harming America with his treason.

Ostensibly, NSA thinks that the illegal domestic surveillance it commits is legal because another sycophant wrote a legal memo for the Executive branch that says it is legal to do so.

It's not legal to do so.

Just as it not legal to torture because John Woo wrote a memo saying it was OK. Nor is it ok to kill Americans with a drone without Due Process because some so far un-named Justice Department psychopath wrote a memo saying that was OK. "Evidence Laundering" is not legal either, but I'm sure there is a memo that says the DEA can lie to Federal Judges. And that is the most horrific illegal problem with Deep State NSA.

Deep State NSA is now domestically spying on Americans for civil and criminal purposes and telling the DEA, IRS, FBI and every other three letter agency with lawyers to lie about how the evidence was obtained. Deep State NSA tells everyone to lie to US Federal and State Judges.

This is not legal despite how many un-challenged legal memo you have.

The NSA is out of control. The NSA is not accountable to anyone. NSA is Deep State.

You need not worry about ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliba or Sharia Law. You are more likely to die (this is true) at the hands of a Police Officer than from the hands of a terrorist.

Which begs the question. What the fuck is the NSA doing to protect US citizens? Spying on them, lying to Judges and sending them to jail.

We the People, Are the Enemy of the State.

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