Friday, December 26, 2014

Paul Krugman Op-Ed: republicans Were Wrong About EVERYTHING In 2014

From Sam Brownback to Bill Kristol to Michelle Backmann, Louis 'Asparagus' Gomhert, the racist republican bigots in the US House & Senate or to the bigoted 'party first' paranoid fascist republicans in the DoD, NSA, FBI, the tortures everywhere, murdering cops...why, everything wrong with America begins and ends with an asshole republican. Mazel Tov everyone! Happy New Year!

The next time you drink clean water, breath clean air or get yourself fixed after you second amendment yourself thanks to ObamaCare, or cash a paycheck due to a booming economy, thank a liberal, you republican asshole!

Failed republicans and failed republican policy. And you wankers want to elect Jeb! in 2016? Fools.

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