Friday, September 11, 2015

This Is How You Beat Donald Trump

Oh, my fucking god. Someone gets paid to do this shit.

1. Low Information voters are Trumps base. AKA Faux Spews geriatric audience.

2. Most people want single payer, socialized medicine.

3. Yes! Fuck him and his Bankster cronies.

4.  Penis nose Ted Cruz, Huckster and Frothy Fecal Material already has the batshit insane christian vote. No room there!

5. Yes! Be a bigger Asshole!!! That's the republican brand. The #1 party for bigots and racists.

6. No, really. Be A Bigger Asshole!

7. Non-starter.  republicans don't do 'human'

8. Have you been a public bigot before?

9. Attack everyone.

10.  Go for it. No rules, no ethics, no morality. Death match this bitch. American voters are tragically stupid have tragically short attention spans.

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